API Docs for: 0.25.0

ember-osf Module

Reusable ember models and components for interacting with the Open Science Framework

This module provides the following classes:

This module is a rollup of the following modules:

  • adapters
    Adapters that control how the addon communicates with the OSF
  • authenticators
    Support various forms of authentication to the OSF, such as token and cookie
  • authorizers
    Support sending authorized requests to the OSF via various means
  • components
    Reusable UI elements
  • const
    Predefined constants that are frequently referenced
  • helpers
    Handlebars template helpers
  • mixins
    Reusable logic that can be added to routes, controllers, or components
  • models
    Ember-data models for interacting with the OSF APIv2
  • serializers
    Ember-data serializer logic that governs how data passes to or from the server
  • services
    Manage behaviors that require coordinating shared state or namespaced logic across the application
  • transforms
    Control how ember-data serializes and deserializes fields
  • utils
    Common JS helper functions and shared logic