File: addon/mixins/cas-authenticated-route.js
import Ember from 'ember';
import { getAuthUrl } from 'ember-osf/utils/auth';
* @module ember-osf
* @submodule mixins
* Replacement for Ember-simple-auth AuthenticatedRouteMixin. Instead of redirecting to an internal route,
* this mixin redirects to CAS login URL, and brings the user back to the last requested page afterwards
* For OAuth this is done via the state parameter, and for cookies this is done via the service parameter. (TODO: Need a mixin that detects this!)
* @class CasAuthenticatedRouteMixin
export default Ember.Mixin.create({
The session service.
@property session
@type SessionService
session: Ember.inject.service('session'),
routing: Ember.inject.service('-routing'),
Checks whether the session is authenticated, and if it is not, attempts to authenticate it, and if that fails,
redirects to the login URL. (Sending back to this page after a successful transition)
__If `beforeModel` is overridden in a route that uses this mixin, the route's
implementation must call `this._super(...arguments)`__ so that the mixin's
`beforeModel` method is actually executed.
@method beforeModel
beforeModel(transition) {
if (this.get('session.isAuthenticated')) {return this._super(...arguments)}
return this.get('session').authenticate('authenticator:osf-cookie').then(() => {
return this._super(...arguments);
}).catch(() => {
// Reference:
let routing = this.get('routing');
let params = Object.values(transition.params).filter(param => Object.values(param).length);
let url = routing.generateURL(transition.targetName, params, transition.queryParams);
window.location = getAuthUrl(window.location.origin + url);