File: addon/components/tags-widget/component.js
import Ember from 'ember';
import layout from './template';
* @module ember-osf
* @submodule components
* Allow the user to view and manage tags.
* See TaggableMixin for controller actions that can be used with this component.
* For more information on configuration options, see documentation for [jquery-tags-input](
* ```handlebars
* {{tags-widget
* addATag=(action 'addATag' model)
* removeATag=(action 'removeATag' model)
* tags=model.tags}}
* ```
* @class tags-widget
* @extends Ember.Component
export default Ember.Component.extend({
* Whether the user is allowed to edit tags.
* @property canEdit
* @type {Boolean}
canEdit: true, // TODO: Implement editing decision logic in the future
tags: [],
tagName: 'input',
type: 'text',
attributeBindings: ['name', 'type', 'value', 'id'],
_initialize: Ember.on('didInsertElement', function () {'afterRender', this, function() {
width: '100%',
interactive: this.get('canEdit'),
maxChars: 128,
onAddTag: (tag) => {
this.send('addATag', tag);
onRemoveTag: (tag) => {
this.send('removeATag', tag);
didRender() {
// Rerender the list of tags whenever the node model changes. Useful if node.tags is not defined when page loads.
// Provide a default value in case tags weren't defined when component first rendered
let tags = this.get('tags') || [];
// Reset & replace existing tag list with new items
this.$().importTags(tags.join(', '));
actions: {
addATag(tag) {
const splitTags = tag
.map(item => item.trim());
// Calls a curried closure action which was provided the model
for (let splitTag of splitTags)
removeATag(tag) {
// Don't try to delete a blank tag (would result in a server error)
if (!tag) {
return false;