API Docs for: 0.5.1

randomParameterSet Class

Randomizer to implement flexible condition assignment and counterbalancing by allowing the user to specify an arbitrary sequence of frames to create. A set of parameters is randomly selected from a list of available parameterSets, and these parameters are substituted in to the parameters specified in the list of frames.

To use, define a frame with "kind": "choice" and "sampler": "random-parameter-set", as shown below, in addition to the parameters described under 'properties'.


"frames": {
   "test-trials": {
       "sampler": "random-parameter-set",
       "kind": "choice",
       "id": "test-trials",
       "commonFrameProperties": {
           "kind": "exp-lookit-story-page",
           "baseDir": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/lookitcontents/ingroupobligations/",
           "audioTypes": ["mp3", "ogg"],
           "doRecording": true,
           "autoProceed": false,
           "parentTextBlock": {
               "title": "Parents!",
               "text": "Common instructions across test trials here",
               "emph": true
       "frameList": [
               "images": [
                       "id": "agent",
                       "src": "AGENTIMG1",
                       "left": "40",
                       "width": "20",
                       "top": "10"
                       "id": "left",
                       "src": "LEFTIMG1",
                       "left": "10",
                       "width": "20",
                       "top": "50"
                       "id": "right",
                       "src": "RIGHTIMG1",
                       "left": "70",
                       "width": "20",
                       "top": "50"
               "audioSources": [
                       "audioId": "questionaudio",
                       "sources": [{"stub": "QUESTION1AUDIO"}],
                       "highlights": "QUESTION1HIGHLIGHTS"
               "images": [
                       "id": "agent",
                       "src": "AGENTIMG2",
                       "left": "40",
                       "width": "20",
                       "top": "10"
                       "id": "left",
                       "src": "LEFTIMG2",
                       "left": "10",
                       "width": "20",
                       "top": "50"
                       "id": "right",
                       "src": "RIGHTIMG2",
                       "left": "70",
                       "width": "20",
                       "top": "50"
               "audioSources": [
                       "audioId": "questionaudio",
                       "sources": [{"stub": "QUESTION2AUDIO"}],
                       "highlights": "QUESTION2HIGHLIGHTS"
       "parameterSets": [
               "AGENTIMG1": "flurpagent1.jpg",
               "LEFTIMG1": "flurpvictim1.jpg",
               "RIGHTIMG1": "zazzvictim1.jpg",
               "QUESTION1AUDIO": "flurpleftmean1",
               "QUESTION1HIGHLIGHTS": [
                   {"range": [0.399293, 3.617124], "image": "agent"},
                   {"range": [5.085112, 6.811467], "image": "left"},
                   {"range": [6.905418, 8.702236], "image": "right"}
               "AGENTIMG2": "flurpagent2.jpg",
               "LEFTIMG2": "flurpvictim2.jpg",
               "RIGHTIMG2": "zazzvictim2.jpg",
               "QUESTION2AUDIO": "flurpleftinduct1",
               "QUESTION2HIGHLIGHTS": [
                   {"range": [0.372569, 5.309110], "image": "agent"},
                   {"range": [5.495395, 7.209213], "image": "left"},
                   {"range": [5.495395, 7.209213], "image": "right"},
                   {"range": [9.966225, 11.922212], "image": "left"},
                   {"range": [12.052612,    14.008600], "image": "right"}
               "AGENTIMG1": "zazzagent1.jpg",
               "LEFTIMG1": "flurpvictim1.jpg",
               "RIGHTIMG1": "zazzvictim1.jpg",
               "QUESTION1AUDIO": "zazzrightnice1",
               "QUESTION1HIGHLIGHTS": [
                   {"range": [0.348454, 3.736871], "image": "agent"},
                   {"range": [5.395033, 6.884975], "image": "left"},
                   {"range": [6.969085, 8.975701], "image": "right"}
               "AGENTIMG2": "zazzagent2.jpg",
               "LEFTIMG2": "flurpvictim2.jpg",
               "RIGHTIMG2": "zazzvictim2.jpg",
               "QUESTION2AUDIO": "zazzrightinduct1",
               "QUESTION2HIGHLIGHTS": [
                   {"range": [0.572920, 5.138376], "image": "agent"},
                   {"range": [5.335317, 7.089884], "image": "left"},
                   {"range": [5.335317, 7.089884], "image": "right"},
                   {"range": [9.721735, 11.565821], "image": "left"},
                   {"range": [11.655340,    13.535233], "image": "right"}
       "parameterSetWeights": [1, 1]



  • pastSessions

Provided by the exp-player module.

Defined in addon/randomizers/pref-phys-pilot.js:15

Select the first matching session from an array of options, according to the specified rules


  • pastSessions Session

    An array of session records. This returns the first match, eg assumes newest-first sort order



The model representing the last session in which the user participated


  • pastSessions

Provided by the exp-player module.

Defined in addon/randomizers/pref-phys.js:15

Select the first matching session from an array of options, according to the specified rules


  • pastSessions Session

    An array of session records. This returns the first match, eg assumes newest-first sort order



The model representing the last session in which the user participated




Object describing common parameters to use in EVERY frame created by this randomizer. Parameter names and values are as described in the documentation for the frameType used.



List of frames to be created by this randomizer. Each frame is an object with any necessary frame-specific properties specified. The 'kind' of frame can be specified either here (per frame) or in commonFrameProperties. If a property is defined for a given frame both in this frame list and in commonFrameProperties, the value in the frame list will take precedence.

(E.g., you could include 'kind': 'normal-frame' in commmonFrameProperties, but for a single frame in frameList, include 'kind': 'special-frame'.)

Any property VALUES within any of the frames in this list which match a property NAME in the selected parameterSet will be replaced by the corresponding parameterSet value. E.g., suppose a frame in frameList is

  {'leftImage': 'LEFTIMAGE1',
  'rightImage': 'frog.jpg',
  'size': 'IMAGESIZE'}

and the row that has been selected randomly of parameterSets is

{'LEFTIMAGE1': 'toad.jpg',
       'LEFTIMAGE2': 'dog.jpg',
       'IMAGESIZE': 250}

Then the frame would be transformed into:

  {'leftImage': 'toad.jpg',
  'rightImage': 'frog.jpg',
  'size': 250}

The same values may be applied across multiple frames. For instance, suppose frameList is

               'leftImage': 'LEFTIMAGE1',
               'rightImage': 'frog.jpg',
               'size': 'IMAGESIZE'
               'leftImage': 'LEFTIMAGE2',
               'rightImage': 'frog.jpg',
               'size': 'IMAGESIZE'

Then the corresponding processed frames would include the values

               'leftImage': 'toad.jpg',
               'rightImage': 'frog.jpg',
               'size': 250
               'leftImage': 'dog.jpg',
               'rightImage': 'frog.jpg',
               'size': 250

A property value like 'IMAGESIZE' may be placed in a frame definition nested within another object (at any depth) or within a list and will still be replaced.



Unique string identifying this set of frames



Array of parameter sets to randomly select from in order to determine the parameters for each frame in this session.

A single element of parameterSets will be applied to a given session.



[Optional] Array of weights for parameter sets; elements correspond to elements of parameterSets. The probability of selecting an element parameterSets[i] is parameterSetWeights[i]/sum(parameterSetWeights).

If not provided, all parameterSets are weighted equally.

This is intended to allow manual control of counterbalancing during data collection, e.g. to allow one condition to "catch up" if it was randomly selected less often.