API Docs for: 0.5.1

ExpFrameBaseUnsafe Class

A modified version of the base frame, specifically designed to allow "unsafe" saves and let the user advance even if data from this frame did not save

The primary use case for this component is experiments that need to move through a series of frames without leaving fullscreen mode: if next is fired as a promise, it does not count as a user interaction event https://openscience.atlassian.net/browse/LEI-369?focusedCommentId=46133&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-tabpanel#comment-46133

This frame has no configuration options because all of its logic is internal, and is almost never directly used in an experiment. It exports no data. Sample experiment definition usage (provided for completeness):

"frames": {
      "my-sample-frame": {
        "kind": "exp-base-frame-unsafe"

Item Index




  • eventTimings

The base class does not define any data to save to the server. It does, however, capture some basic event timing data. (such as when the user clicks the "next" button)

This section slightly breaks YUIDoc conventions- rather than being a literal guide to using the code, the "parameters" here are abstract descriptions of what data is captured.

Each frame that extends ExpFrameBase will send an array eventTimings back to the server upon completion. This array is an ordered list (oldest to newest) of every EVENT that happened during the frame. Each event is represented as an object with at least the properties {'eventType': EVENTNAME, 'timestamp': TIMESTAMP}. Frame-specific events may define additional properties that are sent.





Move to next frame