API Docs for: 0.25.0

File: addon/mixins/osf-cookie-login-controller.js

import Ember from 'ember';

import { getAuthUrl } from 'ember-osf/utils/auth';

 * @module ember-osf
 * @submodule mixins

 * Controller mixin for login based on OSF cookie authentication. Intended to be used in tandem with OsfCookieLoginRoute mixin.
 * This auth method is not available to third-party applications.
 * @class OsfCookieLoginController
 * @extends Ember.Mixin
export default Ember.Mixin.create({
    session: Ember.inject.service('session'),

    queryParams: ['ticket'],
    ticket: null,

    actions: {
        login() {
            window.location = getAuthUrl(window.location);
        loginSuccess() {},
        loginFail() {}